Helping social sector organizations learn and plan to accelerate their impact.

You need a strong, healthy organization to advance your mission. Get in touch with Sunburst Strategies for help in building your organization into the best mission machine it can be!

  • Sunburst’s strategy services are focused on building the capacity of organizations to think and act strategically on their own, emphasizing the role of program impact, organizational performance, and environmental responsiveness. 

  • Sunburst supports organizations to complete an organizational assessment tool that examines all the different functions needed to support mission delivery. Then, I use my experience across a range of nonprofit business functions to identify the right steps for addressing any areas that need to be strengthened.

  • Sunburst offers expert guidance to help organizations specify the outcomes they wish to achieve, measure their success in achieving them, and cultivate the mindset and practices necessary to bring data as well as experiences into conversations about program performance and continuous improvement.

Supercharge your mission

Clarity is kindness - and necessary for impact! Getting crystal clear on what you are trying to do and creating a plan for how you can best do it energizes your people, like a burst of sunlight through the clouds of uncertainty and complexity.

Sunburst Strategies helps you capture that clarity and use it to produce organizational systems and processes to hold yourselves accountable to what you say you are doing, and engage your constituencies in continuing to improve your impact model and approach.

Successful adoption of these practices will shift your organizational culture into one that has a growth mindset, creating momentum and excitement for deeper connection with the communities you serve and consistently improving your mission impact as you deliver on it.